Monday, November 12, 2007

My best, most pithy and meaningful post ever.

Because I am a walking tragedy, and at rather a loose end tonight (definitely avoidance behaviour, as I really should be practicing) I've been wondering how to add one of those little bits at the bottom for popping in info on the Rock that is currently Rocking Me. Like what Mark does. And I dod wonder if it was a bit of a rip off. But then I thought sod it, I'll just type the bugger. So I will, in a minute. Maybe I'll actually ask Mark if and how he has that set up. But that would be confessing that I've been actually thinking about this....
I've just bought a new duvet and so will be going to bed soon.
In the meantime...

Music: Comets On Fire - Avatar

1 comment:

Afraid Of Ducks said...

My secret is that what ever I'm listening to that day I just type in at the bottom and then change the font size and colour!!! I've expanded to books and movies / tv now because I keep listening to the same things day after day.

I stole the idea off someone else who I can imagine liberally borrowed from someone else who may or may not have done likewise. I think it's fun.